On June 15, Queens Community House, one of the borough's largest social service organizations, hosted the 45th Anniversary of its Rego Park Older Adult Center being in operation for Queens neighbors.
On Saturday, May 20, Queens Community House (QCH), one of the borough's largest social service organizations, will be hosting its 24th Annual Youth Leadership Conference under its Access for Young Women (AFYW) program.
Next month, on May 6 from 11am to 2pm, we will be hosting our Annual Intergenerational Community Health Fair at the QCH Beacon Community Center at PS 149Q in Jackson Heights!
On April 6, QCH partnered with Communities Resist, a non-profit that fights to protect low-income tenants in NYC from displacement and gentrification, to provide a Tenants’ Rights Workshop at the Forest Hills Community Center.
We love to see neighbors of all ages playing a part in getting out the vote! This week is Participatory Budgeting Vote Week, an opportunity for Queens neighbors to vote toward funding capital improvements to schools, parks, libraries, streets, and more.
QCH YouthBuild joined NYS YouthBuild programs at the State Capitol to advocate for the NYS YouthBuild Act, a bill to provide funding to support these important youth workforce programs.
Through our five alternative high school Learning to Work programs, QCH offers young adults academic and emotional support, counseling, career/college exploration and preparation, and paid internships that help students earn an income, gain professional experience, and test out pot
To help older adults in the Queens Community avoid identity theft and fraud, we welcomed M&T Bank at the Pomonok Older Adult Center to provide a financial literacy workshop on March 10. Pomonok residents gained valuable tips on preventing identity theft and warning signs.