Latest News

For all media inquiries, please contact Thomas Cruz,

QCH Partners with Women for Afghan Women to Provide Caregiver Workshops for New Immigrants

From January 10 to 12, QCH's Queens Childcare Network (QCCN) partnered with Women for Afghan Women (WAW) to provide three "Caregiver Seminars" for newly arrived immigrant parents from Afghanistan.

Forest Hills Older Adult Center Reopens Food Pantry and Starts New Acrylic Painting Class

On January 12, 150 Queens residents lined up for meals from the reopened food pantry at the Forest Hills Older Adult Center. This marked the food pantry's first day in operation since summer 2021, when the Center closed for renovations.

IKEA partners with QCH to improve Generation Q space

Get a glimpse of Generation Q's improved space! Thank you to our friends at IKEA for making Generation Q more welcoming, with a lot new storage space, a new bathroom, bookshelves, beautiful art, and a great sound system for youth participants to enjoy!

Food Pantry at Forest Hills Older Adult Center Reopens

Queens neighbors, we are happy to announce that the food pantry at the Forest Hills Older Adult Center is back and reopening tomorrow 1/12 at 8:30am! It will be open at 108-25 62nd Drive in Forest Hills every Thursday 8:30am-10:30am.

VIDEO: 2022 - A Year For The Community

Every year, QCH is committed to serving the diverse neighborhoods of Queens, offering a support system to children, youth, adults, and older adults, helping them to develop the knowledge, confidence, and skills to change their lives for the better and become active participants in their larger co

Video: What Does COMMUNITY Mean to You?

November 29 marked this year’s Giving Tuesday, a global day of generosity when many people celebrate their favorite nonprofits. Giving Tuesday was created in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good.

QCH Partners with Queens Borough President Richards for Borough-Wide Participatory Budgeting Session

On November 10, QCH partnered with Queens Borough President Donovan Richards and the NYC Civic Engagement Commission (CEC) to host an Idea Generation Session at Queens Borough Hall for NYC’s first-ever participatory budgeting process.

Video: The Importance of Community Centers

QCH operates out of almost 40 different sites across Queens, but our settlement house model truly comes to life within our six community centers.

Remember to Flip the Ballot on Election Day November 8

Will you be joining New Yorkers at the polls on Tuesday, November 8? You can vote for state-wide positions like Governor as well as local positions.

Queens Community House
Support Queens Community House

Queens Community House provides individuals and families with the tools to enrich their lives and build healthy, inclusive communities.