Meet Your Neighbor: Grace Vera

“I think being civically engaged is crucial for any teenager. It’s a great opportunity to empower teenagers and give them a voice to eventually change the world around them. I haven’t been working with the Neighborhood International Chore and Errand (NICE) program for long but it's been such a great experience meeting new people, and being able to be of assistance to older adults in my community."

- Grace Vera, QCH NICE program participant

QCH recently partnered with Community Boards 6 and 9 and Commonpoint Queens to host “Let’s Talk with Seniors and Teens,” an online conversation between older adults and youth. Grace joined two other young adults from QCH’s NICE program to connect with older adults and discuss social issues, the COVID-19 pandemic, and life in Queens. You can view the stream here!

Queens Community House
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Queens Community House provides individuals and families with the tools to enrich their lives and build healthy, inclusive communities.