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Gay City News: City Budget Includes Broad Increase in Funding for LGBTQ Initiatives | July 2021: The $99 billion city budget for 2022 is bringing additional funding to a range of LGBTQ-related initiatives, including programs geared towards trans healthcare, LGBTQ curriculum in schools, and ending the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
Much of the funding for queer causes is not baselined, meaning it must be renewed annually. For now, though, compared to last year’s budget, funding appears to be on the rise in several areas — and some initiatives are getting far more significant boosts, including the Trans Equity program, which provides trans and gender non-conforming New Yorkers employment services, education, healthcare navigation, legal assistance, and more. That program will get a $1.3 million increase for a total of $3,275,000.
There were also some smaller increases in funding. LGBTQ senior services in every borough will get $1.5 million, which is up by $100,000 from last year. Of that $1.5 million, $280,000 is going to Queens Community House, Inc., while $1.12 million is being allocated to SAGE and $100,000 will be allotted later on. GRIOT Circle, which serves LGBTQ seniors of color, is getting $18,000 in combined discretionary funds from Councilmembers Carlos Menchaca and Laurie Cumbo for “core programming.”
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