Support Queens Community House
Queens Community House provides individuals and families with the tools to enrich their lives and build healthy, inclusive communities.
Back in high school, I was looking to make a change. My habits weren’t healthy, and my academics suffered. I wanted to become a different person. That’s when I joined Voyages Preparatory High School.
QCH offers a program in the school called Learning to Work (LTW), which places students in internships and provides support along the way. I interned at Elmhurst Hospital as a clerical aide. I went to school during the day and worked there at night. LTW staff provided a circle of support I didn’t have at that time in my life. I realize now they were essential to my success. I graduated in 2014.
It wasn’t too long after that I was offered a job in QCH’s Youth Employment Services Department. I worked with youth, helping them find jobs and internships. I’ve been in their shoes, so I know what it’s like.
Now, I’m a QCH CASP (College Access and Success Program) member looking to pursue a degree in Education. CASP staff mentor me, help with my resume and keep me on track. All these programs work together to support me.