Meet Your Neighbor: Nevaeh Michael

“Before transferring to QCH at Voyages South High School, it was difficult for me to go to school every day due to my anxiety. A really big school with so many people always made me nervous. I wasn't able to stay focused in my classes so I struggled, and as time went on, I wasn't attending them as much. When I transferred to Voyages South in January 2023, I felt more at ease because the school was smaller, and there were students of different cultures I was able to learn from. The environment helped me become more social. My teachers taught me so much. My QCH counselor was so supportive of me and my mom throughout my time there. She helped me calm down when I had panic attacks. This school really supports young adults who deal with different struggles.
Graduating this year felt great. I didn't get to have a graduation ceremony for middle school because of covid, so my last graduation was 5th grade. I'm really proud of myself. This fall, I'm going to Long Island University to study nursing."

- Nevaeh Michael, Graduate from QCH at Voyages South High School


Queens Community House
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Queens Community House provides individuals and families with the tools to enrich their lives and build healthy, inclusive communities.