QCSMST Elementary Afterschool Program

Child's Birthday *

E.g., 03/09/2025

Payment Details

Payment in full secures your child's placement through the end of the academic year in June 2019 subject to behavioral, safety or performance issues.
Payment in 3 equal installments are subject to additional regulations. Your second payment is due on December 1st, 2018 Your final payment is due on Feb 1st, 2019 Late Payments cannot be processed through this link and must be made to QCH directly as such payments will incur a $25.00 late charge if made within 30 days after the original due dates. Queens Community House, Inc. reserves the right to discontinue provision of services if payments are attempted in excess of 30 days after the stated deadline. We kindly accept Visa, Mastercard and Discover.

Home Address
Payment Form

Queens Community House
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Queens Community House provides individuals and families with the tools to enrich their lives and build healthy, inclusive communities.