QNS.com: QNS.com: Queens Community House names two ‘seasoned leaders’ to its executive team | August 2022: Queens Community House, one of the borough’s largest social service organizations, has hired two new associate executive directors (AEDs): Takiyah Weekes as AED for Com
Chalkbeat New York: NYC’s summer work program for youth called a success, with 100K jobs filled | August 2022: When Ariful Anup was looking for a job last summer, he applied for the city’s Summer Youth Employment Program.
"I grew up in Forest Hills, New York. Upon graduating college, I developed social anxiety and sought solace at Toastmasters, a non-profit organization focused on improving members' communication skills.
New York City Council: Speaker Adrienne E. Adams, Council Members, and Department for the Aging Announce Over $3 Million in Funding for Specialized Vehicles to Deliver Meals to Homebound Older New Yorkers | August 2022: New York City Council Speaker Adrienne E.
Queens Community House (QCH), one of the borough's largest social service organizations, has hired two new Associate Executive Directors (AEDs): Takiyah Weekes as AED for Community Services, and Anne Foerg as AED for Older Adult Services. Both AEDs are expected to lead and shape the ove
“This September will be my third year doing the charity ride for Children's Cancer Research Fund. I started doing this ride because I have always tried to find ways to give back. Since I am not wealthy, I give back using what I have.
Queens Ledger: Program empowers locals with dementia | August 2022: The community of those living with dementia is often underestimated—due to the lack of representation and positivity surrounding the subject.
"I currently volunteer for QCH’s Friendly Visiting program. As happy as I am to be able to help them, volunteering with the program has also helped me a lot, teaching me to have more patience, empathy, and understanding with people, especially older adults.
QNS.com: Queens Community House programs connects youth with valuable skills this summer | August 2022: The city’s expanded Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) is benefiting teens and youth with various opportunities at Queens Community House (QCH), the Queens-b
Queens Community House brinda a las personas y las familias las herramientas para enriquecer sus vidas y construir comunidades saludables e inclusivas.