Gov. Cuomo announces more legal help, centers with free services for immigrants in NYS | March 14, 2019: Two new measures are being taken to help immigrants in New York State.
State Expands Aid To Queens Immigrant Legal Service Providers | March 14, 2019: Three Queens immigrant service providers are among 21 organizations designated as new Opportunity Centers by the governor’s Office of New Americans.
Nueva York refuerza la lucha por sus inmigrantes | March 21, 2019: Actualmente la Ciudad de Nueva York es hogar de más inmigrantes que nunca antes en la historia, casi el sesenta por ciento de neoyorquinos viven en hogares con al menos un inmigrante y más de un millón d
Studies have found that middle school is when girls are most likely to become disinterested in the STEM subjects because they don’t think they fit what society deems the typical STEM student.
Our Queens Center for Gay Seniors (QCGS) Director, and fierce social justice advocate, Chynna Pitlock, was recently selected to be honored at Gay City News’ Impact Awards for her work in the LGBTQ Community.
As middle schoolers, Natalie, Victoria and Sophie have just reached the age of walking to and from school alone. “I do that thing where you hold a key in between your fingers,” said Victoria, an eleven year old who’s just started commuting to and from JHS 157.
QCH Awarded $1.1M for youth job training | February 28, 2019: Queens Community House offers youth employment services and sector-focused occupational skills, among other things, and now will have a new program offering training in construction.
Queens Community House brinda a las personas y las familias las herramientas para enriquecer sus vidas y construir comunidades saludables e inclusivas.