“I was there when there was a demonstration of the Gay Liberation Front and the Gay Activist Alliance back in Times Square where there were a lot of arrests going on at the time.
“I didn’t hear about Stonewall until after it happened. I remember the riot in ’69, but I’ve never been there. When I heard about the backlash against the police, I was surprised! This was a monumental thing.
“I was having a birthday party at Bonnie and Clyde’s. Gladys was in the corner and smiled. She has a beautiful smile. I asked my friend Vicki ‘who’s that?’ She said ‘you don’t want to know her because she doesn’t speak English.’ I left it at that. I was more interested in my party.
Queens Community House brinda a las personas y las familias las herramientas para enriquecer sus vidas y construir comunidades saludables e inclusivas.