QCH has been awarded five fully funded Older Adult Centers (OAC): Forest Hills OAC, Rego Park OAC, Pomonok OAC, Kew Gardens Community Center, and Queens Center for Gay Seniors.
In response to COVID-19, all Queens Community House (QCH) programs began conducting wellness assessments with their program participants to respond to challenges related to health, housing, food access, and financial stability.
Pressenza: Face 2 Face with Anna Dioguardi and Dennis Redmond | December 2021: LIVE SHOW - On this show, we speak with Anna and Dennis from the Queens Community House about a just passed legislation in City Council, granting voting rights to noncitizen immigrants in New York
Fox News: Lori Stokes of Fox News Interviews QCH Executive Director Ben Thomases About Historic Voting Bill | December 2021: Lori Stokes of Fox News spoke with QCH Executive Director Ben Thomases to discuss this week's historic vote to enfranchise nearly one million immigran
Sunnyside Post: City Council Likely to Pass Legislation Permitting Noncitizens the Right to Vote in Local Elections | November 2021: New York City is on track to allow noncitizens the right to vote in local elections.
THE CITY: Women With Children Having Harder Time Re-entering NYC Workforce | November 2021: The pandemic recession recovery isn’t reaching New York City mothers who face steep challenges in breaking back into the workforce — underscoring a growing child care crisis, a new report
Queens Daily Eagle: DA launches grants for youth services, crime prevention | November 2021: Nearly 30 organizations in Queens have been named as recipients of a new grant from the Queens district attorney’s office designed to fund youth development and crime prevention programs.
Queens Community House brinda a las personas y las familias las herramientas para enriquecer sus vidas y construir comunidades saludables e inclusivas.