Apoyo Queens Community House

Queens Community House brinda a las personas y las familias las herramientas para enriquecer sus vidas y construir comunidades saludables e inclusivas.
“This September will be my third year doing the charity ride for Children's Cancer Research Fund. I started doing this ride because I have always tried to find ways to give back. Since I am not wealthy, I give back using what I have. After seeing my mother's battle with cancer, I couldn't imagine a child going through that. I was looking for charity rides and this was the one that caught my eye. So, I ride each year in memory of my mom. I set a goal of $500 and have never fallen short. I ride a minimum of 150 miles. Though the first year my goal was 100 miles and I beat it by about 25.”
- Michael Gordon, QCH Director of College Access and Success Program
You can make a donation through Michael’s fundraising page and fight kids’ cancer! All funds raised will support Children's Cancer Research Fund to continue their work to develop innovative treatments and find a cure for childhood cancer.