I started drawing and painting again in 2011 - it was something I really enjoyed when I was young but lost interest in during my late teens. During that rediscovery, Frank Ape was born in my consciousness. The initial concept was a creature similar to a human but not qui
Before I started attending the QCH All Starz afterschool program at Halsey, JHS 157, I had never played soccer a day in my life. A few months after I started the program, I realized I loved to play and was getting really good at it.
New York, NY (June 6, 2018) - On June 6, Magdalena Navarette and hundreds of other Adult Literacy advocates stormed City Hall to urge Mayor DeBlasio to restore 12 million dollars for Adult Literacy Education.
Queens Community House brinda a las personas y las familias las herramientas para enriquecer sus vidas y construir comunidades saludables e inclusivas.