Nueva York refuerza la lucha por sus inmigrantes | March 21, 2019: Actualmente la Ciudad de Nueva York es hogar de más inmigrantes que nunca antes en la historia, casi el sesenta por ciento de neoyorquinos viven en hogares con al menos un inmigrante y más de un millón d
New York, NY (June 6, 2018) - On June 6, Magdalena Navarette and hundreds of other Adult Literacy advocates stormed City Hall to urge Mayor DeBlasio to restore 12 million dollars for Adult Literacy Education.
On September 11, 2001 I turned on the TV and saw a plane had just struck the World Trade Center. My husband was in the basement of the North Tower at the time. I called him and we spoke briefly. He made it out at 9:30, just before the building collapsed. Many of his friends didn’t make it.
Forest Hills-based nonprofit Queens Community House has expanded the reach of its English for Speakers of Other Languages program by adding free classes through the its Beacon Program at P.S. 149 in Jackson Heights.
“Our family came to the United States from El Salvador. My sister and I came to QCH for the English classes; we wanted to communicate better with people. The way they teach us here is better than any other place I’ve been.
Queens Community House brinda a las personas y las familias las herramientas para enriquecer sus vidas y construir comunidades saludables e inclusivas.