Apoyo Queens Community House

Queens Community House brinda a las personas y las familias las herramientas para enriquecer sus vidas y construir comunidades saludables e inclusivas.
Adult ESOL Students Receive First Library Cards - An organization looks at adult literacy as one way to build healthy communities in Queens
QUEENS, NY (December 12, 2017) - In the U.S., more than 30 million adults struggle with basic literacy. In addition to a demonstrated connection to one's income level, health, housing access, and chances of incarceration, the impact of low literacy crosses generations as well: a mother’s education level is the number one determinant of her children’s future academic success.
Queens Community House (QCH) is helping to bridge these gaps through its adult literacy services. In Forest Hills, English for Speakers of a Second Language (ESOL) staff has leveraged community partnerships to expand access and services for adult learners throughout Queens. Two QCH teachers recently took their students to the Queens Public Library's Forest Hills branch to tour the facility, learn how to use computers, and receive their libraries cards. “I am excited to help my child enjoy reading; it’s one of the most important things you can do as a parent,” said one student.
“We don’t just teach our students English,” says QCH Associate Executive Director, Mary Abbate. “We connect them to their community. We help them identify their strengths.”
About Queens Community House: Founded in 1975, Queens Community House, is a multi-site nonprofit organization that offers a wide network of comprehensive services to individuals, families, and communities throughout Queens. From 25 sites in 11 diverse neighborhoods, QCH helps thousands of Queens residents to thrive in school, make healthy life choices, succeed in educating themselves, become engaged citizens, stabilize their housing situations, and make the most of their senior years. Learn more at www.qchnyc.org.
Jennifer Weil, Communications
Queens Community House
108-25 62 Drive, Forest Hills, NY 11375
Work: (718) 592-5757 x 249 | jweil@qchnyc.org