On September 20, more than 100 Aramark associates will volunteer to support Queens Community House (QCH), on Aramark Building Community Day (ABC Day), the company’s global day of service.
"I worked at John Adams High School for 18 years and I was Dean for six of those years. But I had to retire early to work on recovering from cancer. I was depressed, but then I found the Pomonok Senior Center and I started feeling really inspired.
In order for communities to grow, people have to be willing to invest in the seeds of change. Today, twenty-five volunteers from Aramark demonstrated their commitment to building community by restoring 15 garden beds at Queens Community House’s Pomonok Center in Flushing.
"I’ve been with QCH’s Pomonok Community Center since kindergarten. After I was done with school, I would come here for their After School Program and do my homework along with other activities.
Queens Community House brinda a las personas y las familias las herramientas para enriquecer sus vidas y construir comunidades saludables e inclusivas.