
Queens Community House offers new classes in Jackson Heights, free of charge


Queens Community House offers new ESOL classes in Jackson Heights, free of charge

Meet Your Neighbor: Ozzie Araujo

My first memories of QCH are from when I was four years old.  I attended the Early Childhood Program, which was great for my parents since they both worked. When I was 11, I joined the Afterschool Athletics program.

Queens Gazette: Queens Community House To Open Two New Beacon Programs

This month, Queens Community House will operate two additional Beacon Programs in Queens.

Queens Community House to open two new Beacon Programs in Queens

This September, Queens Community House will operate two additional Beacon Programs in Queens.

Beacon Program Featured in Queens Courier

Our Beacon Program at J.H.S. 190 was featured in the Queens Courier for helping the Masbia Soup Kitchen re-stock its supply.

To see the full story, click HERE.

Apoyo Queens Community House

Group photo from Queens Community House

Queens Community House brinda a las personas y las familias las herramientas para enriquecer sus vidas y construir comunidades saludables e inclusivas.