Apoyo Queens Community House

Queens Community House brinda a las personas y las familias las herramientas para enriquecer sus vidas y construir comunidades saludables e inclusivas.
I came to America in 1972 from Mumbai. I had two beautiful daughters and launched a 25-year career in the Insurance industry. When I retired in 2012, I learned about QCH’s Senior Center in Forest Hills.
I enrolled as a member and started helping out wherever I could. I noticed there weren’t many Indian members, so I invited my friends and neighbors. When I’d pass friends on the sidewalk, I’d tell them about the exercise programs offered Monday through Friday for FREE at the center. I told them, this center takes care of mind and body. Word of mouth is powerful, and now, five years later, we have many Indian members!
Bringing cultural diversity to QCH is very important to me. This past summer I coordinated an Indian cultural program in which QCH members presented Garba dance to our community. All performers were over 65 and practiced for almost three months. The day of our show, everyone was dressed in glittering, shining saris. It was such a beautiful sight.
As Participant Advisory Council President, I make sure our members can buy breakfast, scan into classes and take advantage of the excellent programs QCH offers.