Apoyo Queens Community House

Queens Community House brinda a las personas y las familias las herramientas para enriquecer sus vidas y construir comunidades saludables e inclusivas.
It's easy. Instead of gifts, ask for donations.
Pledge your birthday
The first step is simple - just pledge your birthday using our form. Sabrina Flores, QCH’s Director of Development, will email you with your personalized donation page and link. Then share your pledge to let the world know you’re serious.
Start a campaign
If you are sending out party invitations, we recommend you include your personalized link in each invitation. If not, you can share the link with your friends and family through email, social media, or text message. Sabrina will guide you along the process and give you templates that you can use.
Strengthen Neighbors, Inspire Change
Dollars raised will allow us to serve children, youth, adults, and seniors all throughout Queens.