Apoyo Queens Community House

Queens Community House brinda a las personas y las familias las herramientas para enriquecer sus vidas y construir comunidades saludables e inclusivas.
"I learned about QCH when I was dealing with my possible eviction, and a Human Resources Administration representative told me about their Eviction Prevention Unit.
"QCH helped me with the back rent I owed and to apply for a subsidy that covers a portion of my rent each month. That allowed me to keep a roof over my four children’s heads. Plus, I got to stay in the apartment my mother passed down to me, and my kids get to stay in their schools.
"It’s stressful knowing you might be evicted at any moment, but knowing someone cares and is listening to you and understands that people sometimes fall on hard times, that’s a lifesaver.
"Now, I can focus on school and pursue my dream of becoming a lawyer. I can focus on my children and their needs. I always worried about how things would work out but now I can finally breathe."
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