Apoyo Queens Community House
Queens Community House brinda a las personas y las familias las herramientas para enriquecer sus vidas y construir comunidades saludables e inclusivas.
QCH is a member of Queens Power, a coalition of faith communities, social service organizations, and unions organizing to ensure a more just just and equitable borough for all residents. With rents skyrocketing across the borough, many working people, who have lived in Queens for generations, are now being forced out. For two years, Queens Power has been demanding that the state-owned land at the Creedmoor campus be used for affordable housing. After a camapaign that included door-to-door canvassing, a rally of 1,200+ people at Creedmoor in June, and several protests outside of Governor Hochul’s Manhattan office, we have seen movement towards our vision via the "master plan" released by the State earlier this month. Creedmoor: Community Master Plan commits to building 2,800 affordable units (the State originally said their max was 1,000), including 1,633 units for home ownership. This plan reflects an important shift in conversation around the vision for Creedmoor, and we look forward to continuing to fight for housing affordability.