Apoyo Queens Community House

Queens Community House brinda a las personas y las familias las herramientas para enriquecer sus vidas y construir comunidades saludables e inclusivas.
Our Beacon Community Center at PS 149 offers a balanced mix of high-quality educational, recreational, and cultural activities to students. In February, they celebrated the Lunar New Year and Black History Month through art.
On February 3, queens neighbors of all ages gathered in Jackson Heights for great musical performances and fun art activities to celebrate the Lunar New Year. Congressmember Grace Meng stopped by to speak with members of the community and expressed her appreciation for QCH’s programs and services across the borough. “So many neighborhoods in Queens really rely on QCH and the great work they do in taking care of so many people, from youth to older adults,” said Meng.
On February 17, QCH Beacon's intergenerational arts and crafts club partnered with Queens Public Library to highlight Black History Month. Young people and older adults worked together on poetry and journaling in booklets gifted by the Queens Public Library of Jackson Heights and Langston Hughes Library.