Apoyo Queens Community House
Queens Community House brinda a las personas y las familias las herramientas para enriquecer sus vidas y construir comunidades saludables e inclusivas.
On Tuesday, January 31 at 7pm, join us for a fun and informative conversation between youth of QCH's Neighborhood Intergenerational Chore and Errand (NICE) program and seniors about the importance of resilience. The webinar will be streamed on Commonpoint Queens's Facebook live, and QCH will be sharing the livestream on QCH’s Facebook page: facebook.com/QCHNYC.
"QCH always looks for opportunities to connect multiple generations in mutually beneficial ways," said Lucy Mansilla, Program Coordinator of QCH's NICE program. "This conversation will allow our youth participants to learn about the resilience of older adults in the community, while also being able to explore how they've been resilient as teens.”