Apoyo Queens Community House

Queens Community House brinda a las personas y las familias las herramientas para enriquecer sus vidas y construir comunidades saludables e inclusivas.
“During COVID, I’ve had more responsibilities. My parents still went to work, leaving me to watch my sister by myself. It’s been quite an interesting experience to spend so much time with my sister and family, something we hadn't done in years. Another benefit of the lockdown is that now we take trips every weekend upstate to hike.
QCH’s Summer Video & Photography program introduced a new perspective of photography to me. I learned about different photography techniques and how to implement them. Learning about leading lines helped with taking better pictures when I went to Washington D.C. I also liked the exhibition because I got to see everyone else's photos. They all looked so amazing!”
- Isabella Chow, QCH Summer Video & Photography Program Participant
You can find the awesome work of QCH’s Summer Video & Photography program on display at the Center at Maple Grove in Kew Gardens until September 20!