Apoyo Queens Community House

Queens Community House brinda a las personas y las familias las herramientas para enriquecer sus vidas y construir comunidades saludables e inclusivas.
QCH joined human services workers, advocates, and New York City Council members demanding that the FY22 Adopted Budget invests in the essential human services workforce.
Human services workers have provided critical services to New Yorkers throughout the pandemic, all while being chronically underfunded and underpaid. The Zoom meeting in June was over 900 strong for the #JustPay rally to restore Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) funding and achieve pay equity for the essential human services workforce.
“All human service workers should be compensated for their dedication, skill, and compassion they put into work each day," said Zenya Stewart, Activity Specialist at QCH's Beacon school-based community center in Forest Hills. "This is crucial for many workers like myself that need financial stability.”
“The best thing Mayor can do for our city’s recovery is to invest in our human service organizations," said NYC Council Member Ben Kallos. "They cannot provide the services and jobs NYC needs if the City doesn't honor its financial commitments to them.”
Click here to view the full rally stream!