Apoyo Queens Community House

Queens Community House brinda a las personas y las familias las herramientas para enriquecer sus vidas y construir comunidades saludables e inclusivas.
I lived in Queens for more than 23 years without legal status, and in all those years I didn’t go to my country once. In 2015, I got my green card, and now I use it to visit my friends and family twice each year. I feel blessed, and so I volunteer to help people who don’t have the same opportunity as me. I like giving them information for organizations that can help them. I wish immigration policies would change to benefit the millions of good people that live here in shadows and fear.
I heard about Queens Community House six years ago when they worked with my church’s social justice committee. Now, I volunteer with them year round as a Friendly Visitor, and most recently, as part of the #Census2020 Outreach Team. I believe it’s important to help bring my community more money for schools, hospitals, public transportation, and sanitation services. I am hoping to motivate my community to participate in the different processes, like the Census, that mean better services for all.
Alma Reyes is QCH Friendly Visiting Volunteer and QCH Census Outreach Team Member