Apoyo Queens Community House

Queens Community House brinda a las personas y las familias las herramientas para enriquecer sus vidas y construir comunidades saludables e inclusivas.
I was the first person in my family to graduate from college. As a kid, I loved academics and learning a piece of new information was always exciting. Education wasn’t a big priority at home, so I learned to motivate myself. I graduated at the top of my high school class, and when I was 18, moved to New York City. I didn’t have a plan, so I took time off to travel and figure things out.
At 25, I enrolled at John Jay College of Criminal Justice and joined CUNY Service Corps, an internship program that places students in nonprofits across New York City. At a career fair, I found Queens Community House and was placed as an intern in their College Access and Success Program. Since last Fall, I’ve been supporting youth as they navigate their own post-secondary education. I encourage them with my own mantra, “it’s ok to say ‘college isn’t right for me now.’ If you continue to push yourself, you’ll discover your path.”
This May, I graduated with a degree in Criminal Justice and Forensic Psychology. In the fall, at age 29, I’ll be starting law school. I remind my students, “you can do anything you set your mind to. You just have to want it bad enough.”