Apoyo Queens Community House

Queens Community House brinda a las personas y las familias las herramientas para enriquecer sus vidas y construir comunidades saludables e inclusivas.
FLUSHING, QUEENS (June 19, 2018) – In South Flushing’s Pomonok Houses community, by every shady tree and on every park bench or soft patch of grass you can find a child with his or her nose buried deep in a brand new book.
On June 14, Queens Community House (QCH), in partnership with The National Book Foundation (NBF), New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA), Queens Library, and Department of Youth and Community Development, distributed 7,500 books to hundreds of local children as part of NBF’s Book Rich Environment Initiative.
Organizers transformed QCH’s Pomonok Community Center (PCC) into a temporary mock-library. Children and parents browsed hundreds of titles, filling library bags with as many books as each could hold.
“We’re thrilled to see so many families at today’s event,” said PCC Director, Patrick Pinchinat. “PCC has been hosting monthly Family Literacy events since the beginning of the year and we hope this encourages even more families to read together at home. The turnout shows the high level of excitement for family reading in thise neighborhood.”
According to the National Education Association, the more types of reading materials there are in the home, the higher students become in reading proficiency. Additionally, twenty-six percent of children ages three to five who were read to three or four times in the last week by a family member recognized all letters of the alphabet, compared to 14 percent of children who were read to less frequently.
QCH was one of just two NYCHA developments selected to receive the book donations. “The National Book Foundation is committed to making sure all people, especially young people who are building their identity as readers, have access to books,” says NBF Board Chairman David Steinberger. “By collaborating with these key national partners, we are able to build the Foundation’s reach and further our mission of making sure that books matter, and that they matter everywhere.”
About Queens Community House: Founded in 1975, Queens Community House, is a multi-site nonprofit organization that offers a wide network of comprehensive services to individuals, families, and communities throughout Queens. From 32 sites in 14 neighborhoods, QCH helps thousands of Queens residents to thrive in school, make healthy life choices, succeed in educating themselves, become engaged citizens, stabilize their housing situations, and make the most of their senior years. Learn more at www.qchnyc.org.
Jennifer Weil
Communications Coordinator
Queens Community House
Office: (718) 592-5757 x 249
108-25 62nd Drive Queens, NY 11375