Apoyo Queens Community House

Queens Community House brinda a las personas y las familias las herramientas para enriquecer sus vidas y construir comunidades saludables e inclusivas.
Jamaica, Queens (May 8, 2018) – Students at The Young Women’s Leadership School (TYWLS), in Jamaica, Queens are wondering if April showers will indeed bring May flowers. Their summer camp, operated by Queens Community House (QCH), has been eliminated from the Mayor’s FY19 budget, leaving them wondering where they’ll go when the school year ends in a little over a month from now.
“It’s difficult for me to plan my work schedule since I don’t know if my child has a camp to go to this summer,” said one concerned parent. The camp operates each summer with funding from The Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD), however this year, 34,000 summer camp slots, including those at QCH, won't receive funding.
This news comes at a particularly pivotal moment for the youth program as it was recently recognized nationally for its work in youth development. Algorhythm, a nonprofit evaluation consultant, recently awarded Queens Community House with their HI Impact award as their participants demonstrated positive growth in Social and Emotional Learning, or SEL. Youth in QCH programs were proven to gain the skills they need to manage emotions, set and achieve goals, establish and maintain positive relationships and make responsible decisions. QCH scored within the top five percent of 58 participating organizations.
The afterschool program at TYWLS was one of the organization’s highest scoring programs, yet it still stands to shutter its doors this summer. "Part of what makes this program a success is its ability to provide year-round service to its participants," says Associate Executive Director of Youth Services, Helena Ku. “We’re recognized for our exceptional youth services, yet without funding, we’re not able to continue providing for those families.”
Budget hearings are scheduled to continue as participants and their families campaign to save their summer.
About Queens Community House: Founded in 1975, Queens Community House, is a multi-site nonprofit organization that offers a wide network of comprehensive services to individuals, families, and communities throughout Queens. From 29 sites in 14 diverse neighborhoods, QCH helps thousands of Queens residents to thrive in school, make healthy life choices, succeed in educating themselves, become engaged citizens, stabilize their housing situations, and make the most of their senior years. Learn more at www.qchnyc.org.
Jennifer Weil
Queens Community House
Communications Coordinator
Office: (718) 592-5757 Ext. 249
Social: @qchnyc