Apoyo Queens Community House

Queens Community House brinda a las personas y las familias las herramientas para enriquecer sus vidas y construir comunidades saludables e inclusivas.
Some of my friends think it’s weird that I wake up early to check the stocks every day before school. But I find it very interesting, especially when one small change in the market changes everything. I'm teaching myself about investing early in life so I can be prepared later in life. I have my future to think about, especially now that I’m about to graduate from high school.
I’m a senior at Forest Hills High School, and already I’m taking college courses. They say the teachers are very different in college than in high school, and I want to be ready for that.
I also enrolled in the Work, Learn and Grow Program to gain more skills in an office setting. I could have chosen many other places to work, but I chose QCH because I went to the After School Program here when I was little. I value intangibles like friendships and childhood memories, so I’m happy I get to give back to QCH as I prepare for college.